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Writer's picture: AnbuvizhiRajendranAnbuvizhiRajendran

Updated: Jun 2, 2020

While using online payment through phone, credit card, debit card, etc on the internet it saves our considerable time and effort. There are risk factors also associated with online payments and we have to take care “ and double-check all the details. 

While doing Online shopping we have double check all details before confirming your payments, Before entering card details for payment on a website, ensure that the website is secured or not.

How did you check the website is secured or not? They having two ways: First way: 1. The website address should begin with “https://“ the “Http” is HyperText Transfer Protocol. “S” stands for “secure”. Second way: 2.While browsing on the website we have to notice the window frame there should be a padlock symbol if the padlock symbol is available sure the site is secured.  While you attempt to log in (or) register through the website, Be sure that the Padlock is not available on the site itself, this will probably indicate a fraudulent website. 

What is meant by a padlock and How it works? And where it locates on the website? “ A padlock icon, or Lock icon, it displayed in a website browser, it indicates a secure mode. The communication between browser and webserver is Encrypted. Generally, you would expect to see the padlock icon on websites where sensitive data be authorized to transmit. Such as Banking website(or) Online shopping sites.

On the website, the padlock icons appear in the website address bar you can easily find out if the connection through the website is viewing encrypted and secured. The padlock icon looks at the bottom of the websites. It Indicates that the website has an SSL protocol or TLS protocol.

What is meant by SSL and TLS? What do they do here?  The SSL stands for Secure Socket Layer, is a cryptographic protocol that enables secure communication over the Internet, and TLS stands for Transport Layer Security, it is a successor of SSL.

//History of TLS “TLS 1.0 was defined in RFC 2246 in January 1999.// A data transfer security standards that encrypt data authentication to the server and integrity of the message.

Safe online payments: Ensure you are on a genuine and secured website before entering payment details. In a smart world, we all mostly using Internet payments because it is simple and convenient ways. There are, however, its easy way and risk associated with online payments and we have to take care. 

what are the risk factors in online payment? 1. Fraud ensures from making payments over unsecured websites. 2. While entering payments the emails directing to a fake website set up to collect your card details. 

How to take care of safe browsing and payments online? 1. We must take care of the web site is genuine. and secured.

2. Check the website privacy policy. 3. Always log out of sites which we have to log in, simply closing is not enough to ensure privacy. 4. After payment online keep receipts in electronic or screenshot.  5. Must have to check our card and bank statements carefully after payment done, to ensure that the correct amount has been debited, and also no fraud has taken place as a result of the transaction.  6. Ensure that we have effective and updated antivirus/ Antispywhere software and firewall is working before you go online for safe internet use. 

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